Complementary or Alternative care, including chiropractic, helps relieve musculoskeletal pain, especially that of the lower backside. Chiropractors use massage therapy and manual or electric stimulation to diagnose and manage ailments related to musculoskeletal disorders. Well-qualified, experienced, and licensed chiropractic professionals help their patients relieve pain, discomfort, muscular soreness, and joint inflammation. Chiropractic procedures help ease pain and discomfort, but sometimes a few patients may complain of pain after the chiropractic session. According to one of the published studies, it had been shown that about 30% of the patients who had taken chiropractic sessions for lower back pain experienced an initial pain exacerbation only after the very first session. This may be caused due to the release of certain chemicals that leads to swelling and inflammation. This “flare-up” of pain is initiated after stimulating joints and muscles. But this is a temporary phase, and the muscular soreness and pain will wear off gradually.
Some of the measures that can be taken in case of discomfort and pain due to muscular soreness include:
- Apply ice packs on the inflamed area for about 20 minutes several times a day
- Do alternative hot and cold fomentation on the affected area
- Avoid heavy physical activity in order not to aggravate pain and discomfort
- Drink plenty of water to remain hydrated and, thus, avoid signs of inflammation
- Try stretching the muscles around the affected area, gently
- Take over-the-counter medicines like aspirin, and ibuprofen, in case of absolute necessity
Chiropractic practice is a safe and effective way to manage the pain of musculoskeletal origin. The children and pregnant can also safely receive chiropractic sessions to eliminate musculoskeletal discomfort. It helps in relieving pain, especially in the lower back area. Apart from this, neck discomfort, arthritic joints, temporomandibular joint pain, sports injury, or pain arising from undue physical activity is managed by chiropractic sessions. Though a temporary phase of muscular pain “flare-up” may be evident, it will eventually wear off to provide pain-free, uninflamed joints and muscles. Though chiropractic is a safe and effective way of diagnosing and managing musculoskeletal conditions, it is always good to consult the chiropractor before starting the sessions to avoid the concerns and doubts that follow.